Steps of FAITH

A service about walking by faith and following the Savior out into the world


Come and walk with me.
Let’s walk together into this day and into this world.
Let’s see where our feet will take us.
Let’s see where God will lead us.

Song: Lord I Lift Your Name

Skit: I Wish


L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For sitting in unbelief and refusing to stand up and walk by faith.
L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For walking away from those in need instead of running to help.
L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For wandering off instead of staying on the strait and narrow path.
L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For trying to blaze our own trails instead of letting you lead.
L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For stumbling around in the dark instead of walking in the light.
L: Forgive us Lord,
C: For talking too much and walking too little.
L: Forgive us Lord.
C: Forgive us Lord.


Keep walking with the Lord.
God has not given up on you or left you behind.
Keep walking with the Lord.
God is ready and willing to help you, lead you, love you, and forgive you.
Keep walking with the Lord.
You will come to know his steps, his direction, his guidance, and his peace.
Keep walking with the Lord.
And you will find the way, the truth, and the life.

Song: I Believe In Jesus


Skits: Cloud of Witnesses

The Message

Song: Psalm 25

Statement of Faith:

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Side by side, and hand in hand.

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Believing in the goodness of the Creator,
Trusting in the power of the resurrection,
Clinging to the promise of the Spirit.

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Into a world full of wrong turns and dead ends,
Into a world full of potholes and stumbling stones,
Into a world full of long dusty roads.

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Stopping to help a Samaritan by the road,
Stopping to give a drink to a woman by the well,
Stopping to bear the cross of a suffering servant.

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Listening to his words as we go on our way,
Telling him our joys, our fears and our sorrows,
Dancing behind him, like children in the street,

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Watching him break the bread and pour the wine,
Standing amazed at his presence with us,
Running to tell the good news to the others.

L: We are walking in the Savior’s steps,
C: Side by side, and hand in hand.

Skit: The M&Ms Skit

Share the Peace

Prayers of Faith

Song: Cry of My Heart


Go out and follow Jesus today.
He’s walking around our town, our schools, and our world.

We will go out and find him.
We will go out and follow him.
We will go out and walk with him into our world,
Side by side, and hand in hand.

Copyright 2005 Cross the Sky Ministries
Permission granted to copy for local use.